What information was provided about the potential projects?

As presented in a previous blog post, The City Administration suggested 4 broad categories of potential spending approximated to be between  $6,200,000 and $7,400,000. If the Millage is passed it would raise approximately $834,000 the first year and $7,200,000 over the eight-year proposal.

NOTE: While the funds can only be used to “acquire, construct, improve, furnish, operate and maintain parks and recreation facilities” the City Commission has full discretion on how it will be spent.

The ballot language does not restrict the City Commission to the projects/initiatives below. For example, they could spend the funds on items from the proposed projects from the 2023 millage. 

Here is what has been shared to date on these broad categories.

Category 1 & 2

These include the deferred capital improvements and maintenance projects that are listed on pages 64 and 65 of the City’s 5 Year Parks + Recreation Master Plan. This list, sorted by Estimated Removal/Replacement and based on Life Expectancy was included on Page 14 of the presentation from the Recreation Study Session held on May 22, 2024. I recreated it below with comments to show how this list relates to the potential spending described in the Administration Recommendation on the millage proposal. Category 2 is clearly defined as the 4 items related to the Cultural Center. Category 1 could be any of the overdue or due items on this list. The Administrative Recommendation estimates $4,300,000 for these 2 categories.

Category 3

This has been described as “Reactivation of Point Park in Old Village – Pedestrian access improvements and other site amenities with a potential play area” estimated to be approximately  $500,000 to $1,000,000. The recreation department public engagement presentation slides related to this category are shown below.

Category 4

The 4th broad category is for a multi-sport turf field to include bathrooms, security, parking improvements and ADA access to the site in a possible partnership with another governmental unit. The recreation department public engagement presentation slides related to this category are shown below.